The ID of the NFT.
The ID of the Collection.
Account that will sign the transaction.
Execution trigger that can be set either to BlockInclusion or BlockFinalization.
NFTAddedToCollectionEvent Blockchain event.
The ID of the NFT.
The ID of the Collection.
Unsigned unsubmitted Add-NFT-To-Collection Transaction Hash. The Hash is only valid for 5 minutes.
BN input.
Formatting options from IFormatBalanceOptions.
Formatted balance with SI and unit notation.
Public address of the account to transfer the amount to.
Token amount to transfer.
Account that will sign the transaction.
Execution trigger that can be set either to BlockInclusion or BlockFinalization.
BalancesTransferEvent Blockchain event.
Public address of the account to transfer the amount to.
Ensure that the transfer does not kill the account, it retains the Existential Deposit.
Account that will sign the transaction.
Execution trigger that can be set either to BlockInclusion or BlockFinalization.
BalancesTransferEvent Blockchain event.
Public address of the account to transfer the amount to.
Ensure that the transfer does not kill the account, it retains the Existential Deposit.
Unsigned unsubmitted Balance-TransfertAll Transaction Hash. The Hash is only valid for 5 minutes.
Public address of the account to transfer the amount to.
Token amount to transfer.
Account that will sign the transaction.
Execution trigger that can be set either to BlockInclusion or BlockFinalization.
BalancesTransferEvent Blockchain event.
Public address of the account to transfer the amount to.
Token amount to transfer.
Unsigned unsubmitted Balance-TransfertKeepAlive Transaction Hash. The Hash is only valid for 5 minutes.
Public address of the account to transfer the amount to.
Token amount to transfer.
Unsigned unsubmitted Balance-Transfert Transaction Hash. The Hash is only valid for 5 minutes.
Transactions to execute in the batch call
Submittable extrinsic unsigned
Transactions to execute in the batch call
Hex of the submittable extrinsic unsigned
Transactions to execute in the batch call
Submittable extrinsic unsigned
Transactions to execute in the batch call
Hex of the submittable extrinsic unsigned
The ID of the Collection.
Account that will sign the transaction.
Execution trigger that can be set either to BlockInclusion or BlockFinalization.
CollectionBurnedEvent Blockchain event.
The ID of the Collection.
Unsigned unsubmitted Burn-Collection Transaction Hash. The Hash is only valid for 5 minutes.
The ID of the NFT.
Account that will sign the transaction.
Execution trigger that can be set either to BlockInclusion or BlockFinalization.
NFTBurnedEvent Blockchain event.
The ID of the NFT.
Unsigned unsubmitted Burn-NFT Transaction Hash. The Hash is only valid for 5 minutes.
Public address of the account to check balance for transfer.
Token amount to check before transfer.
Signed transaction object
The ID of the Collection.
Account that will sign the transaction.
Execution trigger that can be set either to BlockInclusion or BlockFinalization.
CollectionClosedEvent Blockchain event.
The ID of the Collection.
Unsigned unsubmitted Close-Collection Transaction Hash. The Hash is only valid for 5 minutes.
The section required to get the chain constant (eg. "balances")
The constantName depending on the section (eg. "existentialDeposit")
The constant value
Off-chain related Collection metadata. Can be an IPFS Hash, an URL or plain text.
Amount of NFTs that can be associated with this collection. This is optional
Account that will sign the transaction.
Execution trigger that can be set either to BlockInclusion or BlockFinalization.
CollectionCreatedEvent Blockchain event.
Off-chain related Collection metadata. Can be an IPFS Hash, an URL or plain text.
The maximum amount that NFTs that the collection can hold. This is optional
Unsigned unsubmitted Create-Collection Transaction Hash. The Hash is only valid for 5 minutes.
Off-chain related NFT metadata. Can be an IPFS Hash, an URL or plain text.
Percentage of all second sales that the creator will receive. It's a decimal number in range [0, 100]. Default is 0.
The collection that this NFT will belong. Optional Parameter.
If true makes the NFT untransferable. Default is false.
Account that will sign the transaction.
Execution trigger that can be set either to BlockInclusion or BlockFinalization.
NFTCreatedEvent Blockchain event.
Off-chain related NFT metadata. Can be an IPFS Hash, an URL or plain text.
Percentage of all second sales that the creator will receive. It's a decimal number in range [0, 100]. Default is 0.
The collection that this NFT will belong. Optional Parameter.
If true makes the NFT untransferable. Default is false.
Unsigned unsubmitted Create-NFT Transaction Hash. The Hash is only valid for 5 minutes.
Pallet module of the transaction
Subsequent extrinsic method of the transaction
Arguments of the transaction
Transaction object unsigned
Pallet module of the transaction
Subsequent extrinsic method of the transaction
Arguments of the transaction
Hex value of the transaction
The ID of the NFT.
Destination account. If set to undefined this functions acts as a way to undelegate a delegated NFT.
Account that will sign the transaction.
Execution trigger that can be set either to BlockInclusion or BlockFinalization.
NFTDelegatedEvent Blockchain event.
The ID of the NFT.
Destination account. If set to undefined this functions acts as a way to undelegate a delegated NFT.
Unsigned unsubmitted Delegate-NFT Transaction Hash. The Hash is only valid for 5 minutes.
Number in range from 0 to 100 with max 4 decimals.
The royalty in permill format.
An object with the seed and the public address
String, the api endpoint connected with.
Public address of the account to get balances.
The balances of the account.
The collection id.
A JSON object with data of a single NFT collection.
Original NFT mint fee.
A keyring pair
NFT mint fee.
Raw polkadot api instance, a wrapper around the RPC and interfaces of the chain.
Public address of the account to get total balance for.
The total balance of an account (free & reserve balances)
Public address of the account to get transferrable balance for.
The transferrable balance of an account.
Transaction hex
Fee estimation
Hex of the transaction
Public address of the sender
Total estimated fee which is the sum of the chain initial fee and the optional additional fee
Transaction hex
Public address of the sender
Transaction fee estimation
Boolean, true if the underlying provider is connected, false otherwise
Generic result passed as a parameter in a transaction callback
Object containing a boolean success field indicating if transaction is successful and a indexInterrupted field to indicate where the transaction stopped in case of a batch
Boolean, true if the address is valid, false otherwise
Message to check.
Address to verify the signer.
Boolean, true if the address signed the message, false otherwise
The ID of the Collection.
Amount of NFTs that can be associated with this collection.
Account that will sign the transaction.
Execution trigger that can be set either to BlockInclusion or BlockFinalization.
CollectionLimitedEvent Blockchain event.
The ID of the Collection.
Amount of NFTs that can be associated with this collection.
Unsigned unsubmitted Limit-Collection Transaction Hash. The Hash is only valid for 5 minutes.
Number input
BN output
The section required to make the chain query (eg. "system")
The call depending on the section (eg. "account")
Array of args for the call
Callback function to enable subscription, if not given, no subscription will be made
Result of the query storage call
The ID of the NFT.
The new royalty value.
Account that will sign the transaction.
Execution trigger that can be set either to BlockInclusion or BlockFinalization.
NFTRoyaltySetEvent Blockchain event.
The ID of the NFT.
The new royalty value.
Unsigned unsubmitted Set-Royalty-NFT Transaction Hash. The Hash is only valid for 5 minutes.
Keyring pair to sign the data
Tx hex of the unsigned transaction to be signed
Nonce to be used in the transaction, default to next available
Number of blocks during which transaction can be submitted, default to immortal
Hex value of the signed transaction
Unsigned unsubmitted transaction Hash. The Hash is only valid for 5 minutes.
Execution trigger that can be set either to BlockInclusion or BlockFinalization.
Account that will sign the transaction if provided
A list of blockchain events related to an extrinsics execution.
Transaction hex of the signed transaction to be submitted
Callback function to enable subscription, if not given, no subscription will be made
Hash of the transaction
Unsigned unsubmitted transaction Hash. The Hash is only valid for 5 minutes.
Execution trigger that can be set either to BlockInclusion or BlockFinalization.
Account that will sign the transaction if provided
Returns a pair objects that are used to track the progress of the transaction execution. The first returned object is a conditional variable which can yield the information if the operation is finished. The second returned objects is an array of events which gets populated automatically once the operation is finished.
The ID of the NFT.
Destination account.
Account that will sign the transaction.
Execution trigger that can be set either to BlockInclusion or BlockFinalization.
NFTTransferredEvent Blockchain event.
The ID of the NFT.
Destination account.
Unsigned unsubmitted Transfer-NFT Transaction Hash. The Hash is only valid for 5 minutes
Generated using TypeDoc
Adds an NFT to an existing collection.